Thursday, December 30, 2010

YOUR EYES.... are your after all.........

A new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that a face has to be quite similar to a human face in order to appear alive, and that the cues are mainly in the eyes.

The face of a doll is clearly not human; the face of a human clearly is. Telling the difference allows us to pay attention to faces that belong to living things, which are capable of interacting with us. But where is the line at which a face appears to be alive?  

Several movies have tried and failed to generate lifelike animations of humans. For example, the lifeless faces in Polar Express made people uncomfortable because they tried to emulate life but didn't get it quite right. 

“There's something fundamentally important about seeing a face and knowing that the lights are on and someone is home,” says Thalia Wheatley of Dartmouth College, who cowrote the study with graduate student Christine Looser. Humans can see faces in anything — the moon, a piece of toast, two dots and a line for a nose — but we are much more discriminating when it comes to deciding what is alive and what is not. 

Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive. Looser drove around New Hampshire visiting toy stores and taking pictures of dolls' faces. Looser then paired each doll face with a similar-looking human face and used morphing software to blend the two. This made a whole continuum of intermediate pictures that were part human, part doll. 

Volunteers looked at each picture and decided which were human and which were dolls. Looser and Wheatley found that the tipping point, where people determined the faces to be alive, was about two-thirds of the way along the continuum, closer to the human side than to the doll side. Another experiment found that the eyes were the most important feature for determining life, according to an Association for Psychological Science press release. 

The results suggest that people scrutinize faces, particularly the eyes, for evidence that a face is alive. — Our Bureau

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Stay Focussed.. Keep Working....

We all work to prosper.. Right??
Every Once in a while we come across a moment in our lives when we are working, giving it our all, living and breathing something but never can achieve the goal we desire.
We are facing rejection and fighting dejection but can't get through.
At this time we are not in aright frame of mind to make decisions and end up making the wrong-ones altogether.
We end up making ambitious decisions and lose the plot, 'if you have any'.
This is not a time for such meaningless decisions. A little circumspect nature will do good. Wonders in the real sense are achieved by the people who remain calm in atrocities.
Atrocities test everyone but those who stay focused in troubled times can get through them easily.

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Think Different…. Amaze Yourself…

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
These are the lines from one off the most famous ‘Think Different' campaign by APPLE, a company known to the world for thinking differently and effectively.
People who think differently have not been given the due respect in our society that they should have been given at the first place. They struggled to conquer and once they achieved their feet everyone wanted to be abode their bandwagon. Be it Mahatma Gandhi, Mandela, Che Guevara, Bhagat Singh, Albert Einstein, Socrates or our very own Rancho from the film 3 idiots.
These are the people who dared to think different and conquered the world.
So be it the system in which you are a part or your home, think the same thing differently with a little more sense into it. Don’t do anything if only it was to be done. Learn from doing as doing something from your heart gives your thinking a new direction to see things and imagine them.
Love what you do, do what you love because at the end of the day it makes you a better person.

Who do you think is responsible for the ever increasing inflation?